
With self-driving cars and self-remembering kiosks also on the horizon, QSR franchise leaders must seriously consider investing in upcoming automation trends to save on rising labor costs. Several Asian countries have embraced technology in their respective QSRs. Exacerbated by challenges across the board, it may be time for the West to catch up. Several factors have repeatedly pummeled the quick-service restaurant (QSR) industry over the past few years. Between emerging (and shifting) pandemic situations, labor shortages, and supply chain stumbles, it's impressive that many QSRs were able to...
Managing a restaurant franchise in 2022 is like a high-wire juggling act. There are so many pieces to keep an eye on, and one wrong step can send an entire service crashing. As eating out resurges, one of the smartest moves you can make is to alleviate staffing concerns. Quick-service restaurants (QSRs) fell prone to any number of difficulties over the past several years, on account of the havoc brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic. Perhaps the most challenging of these problems has been that, since services could resume at normal levels, QSRs have not been able to find employees! As consumers...
A mass-scale response to the dangers and uncertainties of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Great Resignation have left many scrambling to slow their attrition rate and shape employee retention plans to insulate themselves from the fallout. Businesses need to reconsider their retention policies and compensation structures if they hope to navigate the uncertainty successfully. Jump To... Calculating attrition rate | The Great Resignation | Wage pressure | Wage forecasting | Scenario planning | Expanding Candidate Search | Redefine Productivity | Benefits packages | Childcare and parental leave |...
The challenges of the supply chain crisis look set to persist through 2022 and even into 2023. The future of transportation and logistics lies in embracing the right technologies, as well as accurate, real-time data. Companies need to stay agile and responsive to changing conditions. For these reasons, the right strategy is vital. Intermodal transportation is yet another area facing challenges since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic upended global supply chains, causing a worldwide crisis in transportation. As we enter the third year since the pandemic’s onset, these supply...
In 2022, American AgriBusiness leaders face a reefer container shortage forcing them to once more re-examine distribution logistics. What strategies can help AgriBusiness leaders navigate the reefer container shortage and maintain profits in 2022? The Covid-19 pandemic brought global trade to a standstill. While some businesses weathered the storm fairly unharmed, knowing their products were safe in storage, others—like American AgriBusinesses—wore their concerns on their sleeves. Temperature-sensitive and seasonal products would perish if they couldn't get to the shelves and eventual...